How much does MedSci cost?
It’s free! All of our instructors are volunteers, and we will cover all supply costs.
What grades are MedSci aimed for?
Our session plans are aimed at 4th and 5th graders. We hope to expand our program to other grades in the future!
How can I bring MedSci to my classroom?
If you are a teacher or school administrator in New Haven, CT, please contact us at yale.medsci@gmail.com.
How can I bring MedSci to my child’s school?
Parents are a great resource for us to connect to schools that might be interested! If you are a parent of a child in New Haven, CT, please contact us at yale.medsci@gmail.com.
How long is the MedSci program?
Each session plan is about an hour long. We are flexible about the number of sessions per program, but we recommend between 3 and 5.